Monday, 25 June 2012

Thing 8 organising yourself; Google calendar

Its a co-incidence that I was looking at Google calendar a couple of weeks ago! I have always used Outlook but you dont get that free, so I have been using Windows Live. It has a calendar but doesnt do reminders, which is a key thing you want a calendar to do. So I was doing some browsing for other options.

I'm not sure about Google calendar, as I dont use Gmail so wont get the reminders automatically. It has been very useful to have the instructions as I would not have found some of its features. Its great that you can customise it so much.

I was surprised that its used in major organisations. More mainstream than I would have expected.

I am concerned about the amount of information that Google would be gathering about me if I used it though. When I clicked on the link to go to the Calendar for the first time, it opened with my main email address, even though its not gmail.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Task 8

Watch this space! I have decided to skip to the current and future task, and after that will come back to do this one. So this post is to hold a space so the task is in the right order.

Task 6

Watch this space! I have decided to skip to the current and future task, and after that will come back to do this one. So this post is to hold a space so the task is in the right order.

Task 5

Watch this space! I have decided to skip to the current and future task, and after that will come back to do this one. So this post is to hold a space so the task is in the right order.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Task 4

'Current awareness'

I joined this a while ago, to be able to read other peoples' tweets rather than to participate actively. And out of interest as 'tweets' are mentioned a lot, giving nearly instant feedback on radio progs.

It has rather put me off that the only' interaction' I have had is a porn tweet.Of course these were a very common experience via email, fortunately now reduced by spam filter. So it shouldnt be such a surprise.

(more to do on this task)

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Task 3

'Consider personal brand'.

I'm very impressed by the way Jo has developed her personal 'branding'!

I have checked in Google for various options for 'Sparrow UK' and in the first couple of pages each time its the sort of hits you would expect eg RSPB. This blog comes up in the first page if I search 'Sparrow UK cpd23'

I think that being lower profile with this blog is better, from the perspective of it being a non- professional course log. If I was working it would be more appropriate and useful as part of networking and sharing information.

If I search for my name I get lots of hits. 59 on Linkedin alone! It did make me briefly anxious that I had done something more high profile than I meant to!

I keep in touch with people via (a lot of) email, rather than online.

Jo has a penguin logo. Maybe I could do something with a sparrow pic (copyright free, of course!)

 I did do some browsing of background images. One did have birds, but rather a lot and I wouldnt want something too like Hitchcock's Birds!

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Task 2

'Explore other blogs and get to know some of the other cpd23-ers.'

I've used blogs as an information source for LIS work. Its been really interesting looking at random other blogs- there's such a huge range of personal or professional topics and design.Interesting to see how they are being used alongside Facebook and other Web 2.0 applications.
And very useful to look at other cpd23- ers blogs- some shared issues. Some much more sophisticated design.

 PS…learning about blogging...

I've found it easier to compose the text in Word, then copy and paste. Less of a risk of loosing a post, and has a spellcheck. This isnt in the spirit of blogging,which would be doing it all directly, but I will see how it goes and do whatever works best for me.

Task 1

'Set up your own blog and write what you hope to get out of the programme.'

I set up a blog as part of the course last year. It was a really interesting thing to do. I had used blogs as a potential source of relevant content, but not created my own. The task gave me a reason to create one, and the instructions about  how to do so.

What I hope to get out of the programme.

I am a health info prof but was made redundant. I am unemployed and continue to jobhunt, but of course the LIS sector has been hit hard in the recession. I volunteered at a charity for a while, but then their information service was closed. I am a volunteer in an admin role in a community centre. Some of my skills are still useful, but its not a professional setting.

Its really important to be up-to-date, and that can be a challenge, particularly with the rapid rate of development in areas like IT.  Its good to challenge myself and and keep up my knowledge.

I am very grateful that this course is free and online. I wouldnt have been able to do it otherwise.