Saturday, 16 June 2012

Task 3

'Consider personal brand'.

I'm very impressed by the way Jo has developed her personal 'branding'!

I have checked in Google for various options for 'Sparrow UK' and in the first couple of pages each time its the sort of hits you would expect eg RSPB. This blog comes up in the first page if I search 'Sparrow UK cpd23'

I think that being lower profile with this blog is better, from the perspective of it being a non- professional course log. If I was working it would be more appropriate and useful as part of networking and sharing information.

If I search for my name I get lots of hits. 59 on Linkedin alone! It did make me briefly anxious that I had done something more high profile than I meant to!

I keep in touch with people via (a lot of) email, rather than online.

Jo has a penguin logo. Maybe I could do something with a sparrow pic (copyright free, of course!)

 I did do some browsing of background images. One did have birds, but rather a lot and I wouldnt want something too like Hitchcock's Birds!